Do it yourself

Recipe – Making your own mead

What is mead actually?

Partly is a fermented alcoholic drink that is traditionally made with only honey and water, and perhaps some yeast (often wild yeast is used).

If you add herbs and/or spices or other flavors, this is called a Metheglin,

What do I need to participate?

  • Cleaner
  • Large stainless steel pan
  • Rudder
  • Big funnel
  • Glass yeast bottle made for one gallon with air lock and rubber stop
  • Kitchen thermometer

Required ingredients

  • Honey – 1.5 kg for a batch of 4.5 liters
  • Yeast – mangrove
  • Hand full of raisins
  • Fresh vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • Puro Oxi

How do you make mead: a 2.5 liter mead-recipe

Clean everything

The first thing you have to do is clean everything with Puro Oxi, follow the instructions on the package accurately.

Making the mead “Must”

When everything is cleaned, heated water (remove water from the supermarket, do not use tap water!) On medium heat in a large pan.

When it is hot, but does not cook, add your honey and keep stirring until it is dissolved in the water.

Switch off the heat. It can foam a little, but this is fine.

In the meantime, put the vanilla, the cinnamon stick and the raisins in the glasses.

The raisins serve as a natural nutrient for the yeast. You will almost / not notice this in the mead when it is ready.

Pouring the must

Then carefully pour the honey water mixture called “Must” into the glass bottle using the disinfected funnel.

Fill the remaining space in the glass bottle with the water from the supermarket so that you are a small 5 cm from the top.

Cap the glass bottle, this can be done so that you can shake, do not use the air lock for this!

Then fill the glass bottle with the yeast, make sure you follow the instructions properly and check the temperature properly.

Shaking the mead

Now you can shake the glass bottle that is closed with a cap for a few minutes, this also  causes training of the arm muscles.

Place air lock

Now it is time to replace the declared cap with an air lock, make sure you fill it with water so that the air lock is well filled (not too much water of course)

Let nature do its work

Now yeasts start, after a few hours you will notice that air bubbles come up from the fellow and you occasionally hear a “plop” coming out of the air lock.

Set the mixture separately for just under 5 to 6 weeks so that you are sure that the fermentation process is over, of course you do not want exploding bottles when you are going to bottle.

After the yeast fermentation has been completed, the bottling can begin and you can enjoy your hard work with a bottle of cold mead.

For your information:

We use 1.5 kg of honey for this recipe, this gives a sweet taste to the mead and it does not get too dry. Of course you are free to experiment with the amount of honey.

The type of yeast can also affect the taste, so be aware of this.

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