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What does a beekeeper do?

Beekeepers keep bees and make honey

When you think of beekeepers, you probably think of people who keep bees and produce honey.

Although honey production is an important part of the activities of a beekeeper or bee her own, there are many more tasks that beekeepers perform to provide bee colonies. In this article we will elaborate on what a beekeeper does and why their work is so important.

Checking the health of a beehive

One of the most important tasks of a beekeeper is checking the health of beehive. Beekeepers regularly inspect the cupboards to check for signs of illness, parasites and teasing. They can also take samples of the bees or beehive to have them tested for pathogens. If a beekeeper notices a disease or plague, they take immediate measures to combat this to prevent further distribution and in some cases they are obliged to report.

Feeding in low nectar periods

Another important task is to feed the bees, especially during the winter months when fewer flowers are available for the bees to collect nectar and pollen. Beekeepers can then give the bees sugar syrup or fondant as a replacement for nectar. Some beekeepers also give their bees protein supplements to ensure that they get all the nutrients they need.


In addition to taking care of the beehive, honey production is an important part of the work of a beekeeper. Beekeepers harvest honey by removing the honeycombs from the beehive and centrifuging them with a “honey extractor” to remove the honey. Beekeepers also ensure that there is enough honey in the beehive to feed the bees during the winter months, but there are opinions that heather honey is not good to benefit and then sugar syrup is offered as a replacement.

Give bees enough space

Another important task of a beekeeper is to manage and maintain the bee colony. Beekeepers control the growth of the colonies and ensure that they have enough room to reproduce and grow. They also replace old and damaged beehives and ensure that the beehives are well ventilated and offer sufficient protection against all weather conditions.

Promotion of biodiversity

Beekeepers also play an important role in promoting biodiversity and preserving the ecosystem. They place hives in different locations to promote the pollination of flowers and plants, in addition to that many beekeepers also work together to set up green projects or plant useful flowers, plants and trees themselves. This not only helps the plants and trees, but also other animals that depend on these plants and trees for their food.

Presentations, workshops and education

Finally, education is an important aspect of the work of a beekeeper. Beekeepers often give presentations and workshops to inform people about bees and their important role in our ecosystem. They also give courses to become beekeeper or guide beekeepers who don’t have much experience.

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