
100+ bee friendly plants for honey bees

What are bee friendly plants for the beekeeper?

If a beekeeper talks about bee friendly plants, this is generally only about the plants that are inspired by our honeybee for nectar and pollen also called bee plants by some beekeepers.

The honey bees only fly to these plants from which they can reach the nectar and pollen and bloom in large quantities. Honey bees are also flower resistant which means that apart from tracking bees, the fetch bees generally fly on one type of flower until it no longer gives pollen or nectar and has finished flowering.

Only when many pregnancy plants are visited by the honey bees will a beekeeper say that there is a gestation.

Spring has almost started for the bumblebee and the honeybee

Because of the mild winter and early spring, many melliferous plants are already in bloom, crocuses, daffodils and much more … Even the rosemary is already in bloom and has had his first bumblebee visitor.

100+ bee friendly plants for honey bees 1
Rosemary in bloom

At my last inspection it was also shown that a lot of yellow pollen is already being brought in by the honey bees and that the beehive is already virtually full in terms of population and this has already requested the necessary expansion.

Download the free melliferous plants list

For the beekeepers among us I have converted the available list on beekeeperpedia from melliferous plants to a usable list in Google Spreadsheets, which you can download here completely free of charge (It’s in dutch but the names are listed in Latin aswell, feel free to download and change it to English and based on your region) .

If you like, you can share the English version with me so i can upload it to help others aswell.

Voor de imkers onder ons heb ik de beschikbare lijst op imkerpedia van drachtplanten omgezet naar een bruikbare lijst in Google Spreadsheets, die kan je hier downloaden geheel gratis.

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